Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Paris : Ambiance de Noël

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This Sunday (Nov 30, 2008) we were at the Lotto Arena in Antwerp for the last concert of Natalia's Glamorous Tour.

It's the 4th time I see Natalia in concert. The first time was ok. The second time I was disappointed. The third time was ok but I still found she was shouting instead of singing.

This time was ... exceptional :

1. She was singing and not shouting: real emotions could flow instead of a mass of decibels.

2. There was a real dance floor : Natalia and the dancers provided a superior experience.

3. There were nice surprises like singing Prince and the appearance of Stam van Samang.

So it was an excellent concert this time !!

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Thursday, November 27, 2008

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Dessins Tom

Ce matin Tom a fait trois beaux dessins avec la palette graphique.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Promenade à Tervueren

Yesterday afternoon we went for a walk in the beautiful parc of Tervueren.

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Saturday, October 25, 2008

Camion de Pompiers

Commentaire de Thomas : "Je connais deux sortes de camion de pompiers: le pompe tonne et le camion avec la grande échelle. Ici j'ai dessiné le pompe tonne"

From jfdeclercq's Pictures Blog

Le dessinateur : Thomas

From jfdeclercq's Pictures Blog

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Foot sur la plage de De Haan, ce 28 septembre 2008

J'ai uploadé sur Youtube une vidéo d'une partie de foot filmée sur la plage de De Haan ce 28 septembre 2008. Je joue avec avec Thomas et Jonas (rencontré sur place).

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Photos of the Pecha Kucha Brussels Vol 5

The quality of my pictures isn't good but it's just to remind some of the bla bla...

The Picasa Album is here : Pecha Kucha Brussels Vol 5

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

A terrace in Belgium

Do you guess where it was ?
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Monday, September 08, 2008

I have seen Elephants in Antwerp

This is the Elephant Parade. There must be a pink one somewhere but I haven't seen it (yet).

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Cher Guevara

You can see Cher Guevara if you drink a coffee at CaffeNation in Antwerp.
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Saturday, June 28, 2008

Party @ the Pool

Yesterday we had fun at the Party @ the pool.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Monday, May 26, 2008

Oostende voor Anker

Oostende voor Anker

This weekend we went to Oostende for "Oostende voor Anker".

You can have a look at some pictures here : 20080524TallShipsOstende.
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Monday, April 28, 2008

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Well done Coca Cola ! Light Plus Antioxidant

Yesterday on Europe1 I was listening to Luc Montagnier, Virologue, ancien professeur à l'institut Pasteur, codécouvreur du VIH. He was saying that the antioxidants are widely used as ingredients in dietary supplements in the hope of maintaining health and preventing diseases such as cancer and coronary heart disease.

Today I was at our restaurant and what do I see : Coca Cola Light Plus Antioxidant ! I bought it to try. It seems Coca-Cola has very well understood what drives consumers to buy such a product... Wel done Coca Cola.
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Monday, March 10, 2008

A nice bike

I think this is a nice bike. Don't you. ? Trek 1 Series 1.5

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Pictures of our trip to Marrakesh

We went to Marrakesh two weeks ago. You can have a look at the pictures over here :
Photos Marrakesh on PicasaWeb

Monday, January 21, 2008

Photos du salon de l'auto

Ce dimanche 20 janvier 2008 nous sommes allés au salon de l'auto avec Thomas.
Quelques photos ici : http://picasaweb.google.be/jfdeclercq/SalonAuto

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year 2008

As it is a tradition now, I send you my best shots of 2007 in order to wish you the best for 2008. This year I could not make a good selection : I have 77 pictures for you.

Click here to start the slideshow :

You can find the album here :

HAPPY 2008

PS : you can still have a look at my other years best shots here :